Welcome to my Blog

Hi, I'm Adam NapsoAdam Napso. I'm a DevOps engineer currently working at Jameda GmbH and as a Freelancer .

To really understand something, you will at least need to be able to explain it. That's the main reason for this Blog. To try to explain the stuff I learn. Hope it will be helpful for some of you out there.

Introduction to Kubernetes operators for beginners

August 21st, 2021

demystifying the concept of kubernetes operators for beginners

How to install MySQL 8 on a digitalocean droplet with Ansible in 5 minutes

August 20th, 2021

How to create a droplet in digitalocean and turn it to a mysql-server using Ansible in 5 minutes

How to build container-based AWS Lambda applications

July 21st, 2021

How can we deploy and run container based lambda function nad use infrastructure as code for it.